Who is Volodymyr Zelensky??

and ways to help out in Ukraine

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Something to Read: The comedian president who is rising to the moment

The strength of leadership is most noticed during a time of crisis — or the lack, thereof.

Volodymyr Zelensky — the man behind the fight against Russia who’s shocked the world with levels of courage that hasn’t been seen in decades.

I became more fascinated with Zelensky the more I read about him — a lawyer by education, turned actor, to comedian to now president of Ukraine.

This BBC article goes into the man behind the movement.

Something to Watch:

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome | Jordan Peterson

If you have imposter syndrome — have no fear because you’re not alone.

If you’re one who has never experienced imposter syndrome, please watch this video and think again.

A Song to Listen to:

Cherokee - Love Your Days

Listen to this track and many others on La Fórmula, a playlist by Modern Analects

A Tweet to Think About:

It’s tough to sift through the internet and find a way to directly help those in dire need of resources.

Here’s a start for those who haven’t yet:

If you enjoyed anything above — make sure to share with others and spread the word.

And as always, please give me feedback via Twitter, Instagram, or respond to this email.

Things like which section above is your favorite, what do you want more or less of, what you want more of?

Until next week.