Verbal Investments

Speaking value into existence.

“Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.”

Anne Morrow

Think of the person who can take two hours of your day and it not feel like a waste.

That is a special someone. The conversation is genuine, there’s value being cultivated, ideas are being exchanged.

These conversations are investments and need to be had more frequently.

The five points below are an outline of a recent investment: Five main topics Julian James and myself discussed. I hope one of these resonates:

  1. Life is the medium through which God communicates with us. Trying to describe the Lord's communication in any other format, like through books, movies, words or art... is an attempt to imitate the commune with our Creator that is life itself.

  2. Lifelong friends speaks volumes about your character. Maintaining relationships is a key skill that shows your ability to communicate, work out differences, and love one another over time.

  3. Great writers are writers that make you think. Poor writers tell you what to think.

  4. Eureka moments are moments where time slows to strike you with divine providence. A Eureka moment represents a pivot point in your life and is an unforgettable bookmark in your minds eye.

  5. Know when to play ball and know when to spectate. People get burned when they make investments they don't understand. With the stock situation yesterday, the frenzy was an opportunity for investors to make money because of market manipulation. However, the unseasoned investor is often burned in this scenario. Key takeaway is to know when to play ball and know when to spectate.

To good friendships.