
“A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.”


Your ambitions take a halt when your temperature reaches three digits.

Times like these are tough for creation where all you want is to feel normal.

Through the body aches and lack of appetite — a benefit from being almost bedridden was to catch up on things that I’ve put on the backburner.

“Unplugging” has always been a task and this seems to be life telling me to take two steps back and readjust.

A couple highlights from the past 72 hours:

  • The recent headlines have been challenging to say the least. I came across this explanation of ‘No Knock Warrants’ in order to fully understand the nuances behind the Breonna Taylor tragedy.

  • Throw your Brita out — and get a Berkey Water filter. Fiji and Voss are not as clean as you think and this is a next level device that spits out quality water. If you’d like to see how the Berkey stacks up to your water filter (link)

  • The next book on my reading list: The Navalmanack, a collection of practical wisdom from Twitter, Podcasts, and Essays created by Naval over the past decade. The best part that the PDF version is free (link). Refer to the thread below for a snippet of his philosophy.