Be tired of your BS

“I think anything that makes you so tired of your own bullshit is the greatest gift in your life.”

Mark Groves aka @createthelove | Instagram

One day you wake up, look in the mirror and see your reflection. For the past several weeks you’ve been coasting by, letting yourself veer off the path you began to pave. Your life evolves to complacency and comfort, but at this point why bother changing anything?

Maybe its a shitty, stagnant relationship.

Maybe losing the last 10 pounds is just too hard.. fuck it.

You switched from cigarettes to juul pods but still smoke a pack a day.

It will take that one moment at that mirror, for your conscious mind to flip the switch to change. Self reflection can be your worst enemy or saving grace. Choose the latter. No therapist, doctor, friend or family member will make you change for the better.

One day or day one, you decide.