Symphony of Ideas

"I don't think in the black and white lines I've been programmed to think in, I think in full color. So when I talk I have to describe it in five ways. We enjoy food that has multiple seasonings in it. We enjoy music that has multiple instruments in it. So when I talk, it's a symphony of ideas. But I tell the truth, and the truth seems crazy in a world full of lies."

Kanye West

This above is a direct quote from an almost three hour interview with Joe Rogan.

The hype for this conversation has been building for most of the covid period and many seem to not have the best opinions on it.

And I believe this separation of opinion lies in a lack of understanding.

Society leans to categories — we are comfortable once we put others in a box.

And most know what box Kanye was placed in.

But as I listened to his “symphonies” I began to relate to what was said.

Although the message is not given in the way we’re used to — what was said felt genuine.

People tend to discount a message due to who it comes from.

We’re easy to press the mute button and carry on when someone does not fit our moral compass.

Perception is key — and without empathy we cant understand perspective.

So giving the messenger a chance to speak their mind [instead of TMZ] is a gift we should embrace.