Rest in Peace Scratch

The Music Great You Didn't Know Of

Something to Read: Who is Lee Perry? (2 minutes)

Yesterday the music world lost someone special — someone who most likely had an influence on your favorite song or band.

Lee “Scratch” Perry - the Shaman of sound, the pioneer of dub who christened reggae, who created the basis of hip hop & laid the foundation for electronic music and the remix empire.Lee produced the first Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Bunny Wailer songs- which he recorded on tape, dug a hole, put the tapes in the hole, pissed on & then buried for 6 months before pressing to vinyl and becoming certified hits.Bob Marley, Junior Murvin, Adrian Sherwood, Beastie Boys, and The Clash are just a few of the groups Scratch produced for.

Read more about Scratch here

Something to Watch: (6 minutes)

Why is it so Hard to Sit Down and Work | Jordan Peterson

I took a reading hiatus for most of 2021 due to bandwidth reasons.

And I came back strong by beginning Robert Greene’s Laws of Human Nature

Here’s a quick summary of the 400-something page book.

A Song to Listen to:

PLS&TY, Bondax - Feeling Forever (Remix)

Listen to this track and many others on La Fórmula, a playlist by Modern Analects

A Quote to Think About:

“I'm a miracle man, things happen which I don't plan, I've never planned anything. Whatsoever I do, I want it to be an instant action object, instant reaction subject. Instant input, instant output.”

Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry