Is Obesity A Choice?

Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger

Welcome to The Scroll ā€” the weekly newsletter that shares topics and ideas you missed over the last week.

A new American holiday was celebrated yesterday, so this edition is coming to you on a Tuesday.

Email replies are encouraged as Iā€™d love to hear from you. Or, if you rather communicate with me via Instagram or Twitter those are available as well.

Let's get into it.

Something to Read: 2 Minutes

How to Get Coffee Stains Out of Carpet Naturally - Grove Collaborative

So this what I was dealing with as I put the final touches on this week's Scroll...

Three household items can save you from a lot: white vinegar, dish soap, and warm water.

At least coffee spilled on me instead of on the new keyboard...

I can always be worse.

Something to Watch: 11 Minutes

Is Obesity A Choice?

For years I had the shortsighted viewpoint that it's 100% your fault if you were in fact obese.

But that notion is far from true, we tend to forget about genetics over lifestyle.

You may have heard the quote that goes; "Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger."

And most of the obesity arguments stem from the lifestyle side without taking any part of genetics into consideration. This video digs into the A-Zs of where and why have we as a society became so much unhealthier.

A Song You Haven't Heard Yet

A Tweet to Ponder On

A thread worth digging through...

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