Do Nothing

“The big money is not in the buying or the selling, but in the waiting.”

Charlie Munger

We have four [trading] days till the election — four days till the market either implodes or spikes.

And I’ve been asked the same question over and over again…

What will you do?

My answer every time: Nothing.

There are ways to hedge your losses…VIX calls… tail risk ETFs… short-term government bonds.

But at the end of the day it might be better to take the punches and buy back shares on sale.

Don’t fall in love with the market — it’ll play you like a bad ex.

Favorite market resources:

  1. Koyfin  — the only investing platform you need (seriously)

  2. Seeking Alpha — crowd-sourced content service for financial markets. Imagine a more polished reddit.

  3. TwitterTraderlife’s top 10 accounts to follow (following 4/10)

Favorite books:

  1. Poor Charlie’s Almanac — its a $60 book on Amazon**

  2. Common Sense of Investing

**I own a PDF version that I’d willingly send to whoever is interested.