Mental Prime

“Each part of life has its own pleasures. Each has its own abundant harvest, to be garnered in season. We may grow old in body, but we need never grow old in mind and spirit. No one is as old as to think he or she cannot live one more year.”


One can argue when exactly men’s and women’s peaks are.

Vanity Fair will say it’s your early 30’s while GQ may say otherwise.

But this argument only focuses on the physical peak of the average person.

So before your intellect fades with your looks, do yourself a favor and avoid becoming wise too late in life.

Yes we all have obligations and jobs to tend to but too many have put their mental training on the backburner.

We’re becoming dumber and dumber as a collective society and it falls on the lack of quality inputs consumed.

There’s nothing wrong with watching your favorite reality show or sport but be conscious of how free-time is spent.