Between the lines

“Think about it: if there's a “healthy food” section in the grocery store, what does that make the rest of the food sold there?”

Dr. Mark Hyman

If we made so many “advances in health” over the past decades, why is the United States ranked 12th (out of 191) for most obese country in the world?

It doesn’t come as a surprise they’d like to keep the general population sick since most medical schools in the US teach less than 25 hours of nutrition over four years.

These con-artists that run the health and food production oligopoly did a pretty good job fooling hundreds of millions of Americans on what’s good and what’s bad.

I’ll go ahead and recommend two of my go-to health related accounts:

  1. Matt Blackburn (@mattblackburn)

  2. Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness)

Your health is an investment, not an expense.