Learn How to Travel for Free

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Something to Read: Learn to Travel For Free

My memories of floating down the Venice canals as a 7 year old are still fresh in my mind. I remember being in awe that places such as that small Italian town exist in this world.

I was lucky to have parents that did whatever they can to have my brother and I see the world in the first person.

But not all have the privilege to do such a thing until they have a steady income of their own — but even then travel can seem like a pipedream.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

Mark Twain

Getting to this view below cost me just a little over $100. My $800 ticket from New York City to Manila was in effect “free” after opening up a travel credit card.

The view from one of my stays in El Nido, Philippines circa Jan 2020

I came across an article by The Frugal Expat on how he’s travel hacked his way to places as far as Taiwan for $6 and thoroughly explains how you can do the same.

It’s much easier than you think…

Something to Watch:

The 5 BEST Credit Cards You Need for 2022

I’m an owner of cards #4 and #2 in this video.

Note: Do not fall victim to spending more than you can and falling into the interest trap where you carry a balance and owing interest to these companies.

Let’s not owe credit card companies more than we have to.

A Song to Listen to:

Mild Minds - Swim

Listen to this track and many others on La Fórmula, a playlist by Modern Analects

A Tweet to Think About:

If you enjoyed anything above — make sure to share with others and spread the word.

As always, please give me feedback via Twitter, Instagram, or respond to this email.

Things like which section above is your favorite, what do you want more or less of, what you want more of?

And as always — thank you all for the support.

Until next week.