Learn Why Seed Oils are the Devil

another newsletter geared to your well-being

Welcome to the Monday Scroll — the weekly resource where I introduce topics and ideas I came across from the past week.

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Something to Read: 7 Diseases Seed Oil Consumption is Linked to

We define progress as the advancement toward a better, more complete state.

And as we look in the rearview mirror we can list off some examples — such as electric cars, FaceTime, and virtual reality.

Now on the contrary, is there anything we can think of that we’ve regressed in?

Biotech firm, A-Mansia states that worldwide obesity nearly tripled between 1975 and 2020. The graph below paints a grim picture:

So you’re telling me that we’ve improved everything around us except ourselves? How can this be??

There’s way too many factors to consider when addressing this topic, but one in particular I’d like to highlight is the increase in seed oil consumption. 

Something to Watch:

One of The Best Ways To Exercise For Longevity

There seems to be a false notion that lifting weights is reserved for those who want to look like The Rock or Schwarzenegger and nobody else.

That could be no further than from the truth.

In fact, I’ve convinced [finally'] my 56 year old mother to lift weights after years of her belief that she wasn’t fit for that type of activity.

Resources to feed your curiosity: 

A Song to Listen to:

Norabel - Mono Lobby

Listen to this track and many others on La Fórmula, a playlist by Modern Analects

A Tweet to Think About:

If you enjoyed anything above — make sure to share with others and spread the word.

And as always, please give me feedback via Twitter, Instagram, or respond to this email.

Things like which section above is your favorite, what do you want more or less of, what you want more of?

Until next week.