Learn why daily routines are overrated

Happiness without material comfort is playing life on hard mode

Welcome to The Scroll — the weekly newsletter I publish every Monday that shares something to read, something to watch, and a tweet (or thread) to ponder on.

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Something to Read: (3 Minutes)

Happiness Without Material Comfort

It's easy to want more and more out of life, and this applies more for those who are younger.

More money, another pair of shoes, a nicer car, and a cooler watch perhaps?

And in this day and age, we tend to focus on what don't have rather being content with what's been already earned and provided.

Well-known investor & blogger, Naval Ravikant describes happiness as a state of mind when you have no desires. In other words, you are content with where you are at and what you possess.

Naval: You can achieve happiness without financial wealth. Most of us recognize you’re not going to buy your way to happiness. But in modern times, you can buy your way out of common causes of unhappiness. Financial wealth can give you freedom and more time. It can give you peace.

Renouncing things is not an easy path to happiness

Something to Watch: (10 Minutes)

Why daily routines make you poor & fragile

I threw away my morning routine back in July to see if I was able to be productive without the normal "morning routine" I was so used to.

I fell under the guise of 'hustle culture' for years... thinking that a morning workout was essential to my level of productivity that day.

I was far from right, and this video below digs into why.

A Song You Haven't Heard Yet

Hiroshi Suzuki - Romance

A Thread to Ponder On