The Last Puzzle Piece

How to date better.

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

C.G. Jung

If you were forced to drink a concoction that had a 50% chance of poisoning you, would you do it?

That’s around the same probability of the average American marriage staying together — just about half end up in divorce. 

Now ending a marriage does not compare to possible death by potion, but it makes you think.. how?

This figure has been trending downward since the 80’s, but the thesis remains the same.

That one of the biggest investments life offers us is the bond you have with a someone else.

And it’s a choice that tends to be made haphazard.

Short term emotions beat rationality time and time again.

So as we all navigate life lets think, think some more, and think again on the values and principles you hold close.

And seek someone who fits your puzzle.

As beauty fades, character does not.