Instagram & Cash Tips

Finding self-worth is a process.

“Being poor or broke is made to seem worse than it is by the myth that we need to eat three meals a day.”

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

A span of six months that began in 2018 that I’ll never forget.

While friends and peers we’re kicking off their careers I was working at a valet stand.

Swiping through LinkedIn and Instagram in the dead of winter asking myself “Why can’t that be me?”

Going from software sales to taking tips gave me lessons no university class could ever teach.

And whether it’s the myth we need three meals a day.

Or the myth that you need to have your shit together by 23.

Nine out of ten times your unhappiness is rooted in comparison to others.

So take a step back — understand where you were and how far you’ve come.

Long awaited change is coming your way.

And all you need to do is trust yourself.