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The Finnish concept of “sisu”

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Something to Read: (3 Minutes)

Sisu: The Finnish concept of resilience.

How do you handle tough times? What do you lean on when you are stressed out?

Challenging moments are unavoidable no matter how much money you make.

But how we respond to them makes all the difference. 

The Finns coined this term to get them through cold winters, unexpected wars, and bad economic times.

Sisu could be seen as a social glue that helped define the nation after Finland gained independence from Russia

Something to Watch: (3 Minutes)

The impact of sleep on lifespan & health span

The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life.

Sleep - a topic that is seldom discussed, despite it being so central to societal health.

Being sleep deprived has been celebrated in some circles, it's seen as a sign of exceptional work ethic and industriousness to some. I was one of those folks.

There's a massive price you pay if sleep isn't a top priority.

Now if you want to read rather than listen:

A Song You Haven't Heard Yet

Tullio & Lola Rhodes - Over & Over

A Tweet to Ponder On