Earn Your Stripes.

“What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first steps to something better.”

Wendell Phillips

A personal list of defeats that spanned during the creation of Modern Analects:

May 2018

  • Received my 4th D in my major and could not walk at graduation*

  • An abrupt breakup after a 2 year run

September/October 2018

  • Was left an ultimatum and led to leaving my first sales job after five weeks

  • Totaled car on the way to the second sales job

November 2018

  • Was “let go” from the second job the week before Thanksgiving

  • Lost $1,500 and left with no car.

Loss is not always a bad thing — what’s gained are lessons.

One of my favorite authors Ryan Holiday gives a 2 minute talk on How to Overcome Toxic People 

Two of his books [The Daily Stoic & Ego is the Enemy] are featured on our Top 20 Books list — check that out here

*Graduated in August by a slim margin of 3% on a final exam