Cost of Convenience

"I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." 

Albert Einstein 

There was a time where you had to dial *71 to make three way calls.

And physical maps we’re essential on road trips.

Netflix didn’t exist and commercials couldn’t be avoided.

It’s obvious life has become more convenient — that’s what technology does.

But convenience comes at a cost that can’t be quantified.

The topic of social media and the mental health of its users is a conversation about as old as the platform itself.

The 800 lb. gorilla Instagram, took away their signature like feature last night.

TL;DR — it was a mistake and most didn’t even notice the change.

But think about what no likes can do:

  1. Take away likes = more posting. No fear in vanity metrics would equate to more posting in theory.

  2. Less vanity metrics leads to a happier user base. We should all understand this.

Instagram was never about likes, it was about visual expression.