Coffee Shop Mornings

How to overcome rejection.

“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it!”

Maya Angelou

A friend of mine back in undergrad used to be a die hard fan of what’s called the coffee challenge.

And all that’s required is one question: “Can I get a 10% discount?”

This sounds pointless, who cares about saving 75 cents on a cup of coffee?

The purpose supports the principle. If you can’t ask for a discount on coffee, then how will you ever ask for a raise?

Will you ever be bold enough to negotiate the sticker price on that new car you want?

Fear is beaten by action — the action of asking.

So whether it’s asking to pitch a Forbes 30 under 30 entrepreneur or asking out a young lady you fancy… closed mouths don’t get fed.

[In my case, both said yes.]