Check Your Privilege

But actually...

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

Marcus Aurelius.

You likely came across the word privilege at a time in early childhood.

Maybe you broke your electric scooter or didn’t want to eat your veggies.

And your parents reminded you about those who live without the simple things you take for granted.

But as we get older there became no one to remind you on how good things still are.

Although a global virus runs rampant and the world seems to be losing it’s grip.

The fact that you can read these words on a device made by distressed hands, under a roof with working heat is a privilege many yearn to have.

Count what you have and not what you don’t.

Since we’re on the topic of privilege, I challenge you (yes you) to pick a non-profit of your choice and donate whatever you like.

As a Washington DC native I chose Capital Area Food Bank.

If you own a phone that costs more than rent for some, you can find funds to donate.