Bigger picture

“Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.”

James Clear

Average weight before filming The Biggest Loser: 328 lb.

Average weight after 30 weeks on The Biggest Loser: 199 lb.

Average weight six years after final on camera weigh-in: 290 lb.

Participants on average regained ~70% of the weight they’d lost (source link).

The reality lies in that The Biggest Loser is direction based — “tell me what to do so I can get to X”.

Every individual I know who has lost large amounts of weight abides by a system.

Before you lose 100 you must lose 10.

One of my favorite books I’ve read this year was written by James Clear — It’s called Atomic Habits and is featured within our Top 20 Books page.

Want to understand James’ thinking? How to Get 1% Better Every Day (video) by James Clear