Time and focus and energy

Welcome to The Scroll — the weekly newsletter that shares topics and ideas I find over the past week.

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Something to Read: (1 Minute)

Time and focus and energy | Seth Godin

Sooner or later, they’re all finite. And the way we allocate our time and emotional energy determines what gets done.

If we audited your day in six-minute increments, what would we find?

By the clock, how did you actually spend the time you given to you (we each get the same 24 hours). How much was spent on work? And the work time, how is it correlated with what creates the value you seek?

A question that’s harder to measure, but with far more impact, of the time you allocated, what was your focus and emotional drive spent on? What were the crises and highlights of the last day or week?

There’s generally a gulf between what we say we did all day and what we actually did. And there’s an even bigger chasm between the urgencies and emotional moments and the ones we know actually pay off.

When we give away our day, we give away our future.

A question for you: Have you had days that felt busy, yet not effective? Have you ever experienced a sense of relief that the week is over, but things still feel stagnant?

You're not alone. Let's try to focus on impact today.

Something to Watch: (20 Minutes)

How To Fix Your Sleep | Dr. Huberman

If I had to pinpoint the single change that's provided me the highest ROI so far in my life it would be prioritizing my sleep.

All through undergrad and years after I felt like a hamster on a wheel never truly energized via the bad habits I didn't break.

Take some time to learn where you can improve.

A Song You Haven't Heard Yet

Joakim, Todd Terje - Nothing Gold

A Tweet to Ponder On: